Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Imam al-Haytami on the followers of Imam Ahmad.

Taken from Shaykhul Islam Of his time , Imam and al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Haytami's Fatawa Hadithiyyah.

[مطلب: في عقيدة الإمام أحمد رضي الله عنه وأرضاه]

211 ــــ وسئل رضي الله عنه ونفعنا به: في عقائد الحنابلة ما لا يخفى على شريف علمكم، فهل عقيدة الإمام أحمد بن حنبل رضي الله عنه كعقائدهم؟

فأجاب بقوله: عقيدة إمام السنة أحمد بن حنبل رضي الله عنه وأرضاه وجعل جنان المعارف متقلَّبه ومأواه وأفاض علينا وعليه من سوابغ إمتنانه وبوأه الفردوس الأعلى من جنانه، موافقة لعقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة من المبالغة التامة في تنزيه الله تعالى عما يقول الظالمون والجاحدون علواً كبيراً من الجهة والجسمية وغيرهما من سائر سمات النقص، بل وعن كل وَصْف ليس فيه كمال مطلق، وما اشتهر بين جهلة المنسوبين إلى هذا الإمام الأعظم المجتهد من أنه قائل بشيء من الجهة أو نحوها فكذب وبُهتان وافتراء عليه، فلعن الله من نسب ذلك إليه، أو رماه بشيء من هذه المثالب التي برَّأه الله منها، وقد بين الحافظ الحجة القدوة الإمام أبو الفرج بن الجوزي من أئمة مذهبه المبرئِّين من هذه الوصمة القبيحة الشنيعة، أنَّ كل ما نسب إليه من ذلك كذب عليه وافتراء وبهتان وأن نصوصه صريحة في بطلان ذلك وتنزيه الله تعالى عنه فاعلم ذلك فإنه مهم.
وإياك أنْ تصغى إلى ما في كتب ابن تيمية وتلميذه ابن قيم الجوزية وغيرهما ممن اتخذ إلهه هواه وأضله الله على علم وختم على سمعه وقلبه وجعل على بصره غشاوة فمن يهديه من بعد الله، وكيف تجاوز هؤلاء الملحدون الحدود، وتعدوا الرسوم وخرقوا سياج الشريعة والحقيقة، فظنوا بذلك أنهم على هدى من ربهم وليسوا كذلك، بل هم على أسوأ الضلال وأقبح الخصال وأبلغ المَقَّتْ والخسران وأنهى الكذب والبهتان فخذل الله متَّبِعهم وطهر الأرض من أمثالهم

Translation by GF Haddad Sha`bân 1423:

The Shâfi’ faqîh, Shaykh al-Islâm al-Haytamî was asked: "Was the belief of Imâm Ahmad ibn Hanbal the same as [certain] present-day Hanbalîs claim?" - He replied:

Concerning the doctrine of the Imâm of Ahl al-Sunna, Ahmad ibn Hanbal (ra) - may Allâh (swt) grant him the loftiest of gardens as his resting-place and destination, bestow upon us and him His bounties, and grant him a dwelling in the loftiest firdaws: his doctrine was in absolute conformity with the belief of Ahl al-Sunna, and completely concordant. It included the belief that Allâh (swt) is exalted beyond those matters that the oppressors and dissenters attribute to Him. That is, Allâh (swt) is exalted from possessing direction, parts, corporeality, and so forth among the various Attributes of imperfection.

The truth of the matter is that Allâh is free from all the Attributes that are not characterized by absolute perfection; and all those things that are being circulated and publicized among the ignoramuses as being said by this great mujtahid Imâm are a slander. It is an outright lie that this Imâm ever claimed direction or the like in describing the Attributes of Allâh (swt). May Allâh lead to perdition those who attribute such positions to the Imâm who is entirely exonerated of having said such things.

All these matters have been explained by the hadîth Master, Imâm Ab al-Faraj Ibn al-Jawzî, who belongs to his [Imâm Ahmad's] school. He has cleared the Imâm's name of such foul slanders and has provided explicit proofs exposing the lies of the slanderers.

And beware of what Ibn Taymiyya, his student Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya and others wrote; he [Ibn Taymiyya] is a man who took his lusts for his Lord, for which Allâh led him astray despite his learning, sealed upon his hearing and heart, and put a veil upon his sight; and who can guide him after Allâh let him be misguided? Why should He not, when these heretics have gone past the boundaries set by the Sharî`a and trampled them? Yet they imagine that they are the guided ones, that they are guided by their Lord Almighty when the truth is that they are not. Rather, they are on the wrong path, the most heinous, misleading way and most abominable traits. They are afflicted by vices and have incurred a great loss. May Allâh humble their followers and wipe the earth clean from their likes!
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